Welcome to the sad, neglected miscellaneous page.
These are things I never did much with.
Experiments gone awry or one-offs or crazy fun.
Listen and enjoy.
Here's a song I did with the Atari Synthcart:
so excited
and this was done with the Atari Music Kit by Paul Slocum, version 2.0
Here's romdiet, a song done 100% with Little Sound DJ and the Gameboy.
Here's Pour Some Sugar on Me, for the oddtodd.com Def Leppard cover contest. (2002)
For fun, I downloaded the oldest version of LSDJ I could find and did this
Here's something I worked up after the hurricane disaster Mississippi Queen (2005)
Here's a dumb cover tune I just did - I Want You to Want Me (2003?)
dedicated to all my good friends in Rockford, IL.
Here's a couple one offs for fun and laughs at 8bitcollective.com
WhereRU (scoobycore track) (2008)
8 Bit Challenge (48hr challenge) (2008)
8 Bit What? (collaboration with the mighty gwEm) (2008)
And here's a song from a compo I participated in
The Pig and the Tiger (2008)